Launching Kubernative channel for the Cloud Native community

At Palark, we believe that involvement in the tech community is crucial. To reinforce this stance, we’re launching a new way to collaborate with the worldwide Cloud Native crowd: the Kubernative channel on Telegram.
Kubernative (derived from two words, Kubernetes and native) is a new online resource that delivers helpful Cloud Native-related information—such as news, software, articles, and other insights—to DevOps, SREs, and software engineers. We plan to have 2-3 posts per week. Dmitry Shurupov, our co-founder with 20+ years of experience creating and editing Open Source-related articles, will curate the content in Kubernative.
Subscribe to the channel via this direct Telegram link (@kubernative) to stay informed about the latest Cloud Native trends and spread the word!
P.S. If you have anything interesting to share with the broader engineering community via Kubernative, don’t hesitate to contact us.